A truly classic game renowned for its difficulty. Ninja Gaiden featured many interesting design concepts that made it stand out for its time. Among of which were its “cutscenes” telling the story of Ryu, as he pursues the one responsible for killing his father. A lot of older gamers joke about how they must have been better players as kids, and there is some truth to that, but not because we are older or slower. These games took serious skill and practice to conquer, and Ninja Gaiden is definitely up on that list!
Back of Box Description:
“-Ninja Action!
The stage is set for conspiracy, mystery and evil in America. Come with Ninja Ryu as he takes you on his fateful journey.
-Tecmo’s unique cinema display system develops the story stage by stage by stage.
You piece together the puzzle while watching the movie-like graphics.
-Decide what action to take!
Use the secret sword and items collected during the action scenes to fight your way to your goal.”
Be sure to check our other NES games in our arcade catalog!