Replay in Reality: How to Grow with COVID

Greetings everyone!

Cassidy here. I wanted to take a moment to once again thank you all for your continued support through attempting to surviving covid. We’ve seen many of our friends and their businesses shutdown over the past year and a half. To say that it has been difficult for us is an understatement. The challenges that have come our way feels like it should make the sanest person go mad.

We consider ourselves overwhelmingly blessed with the community we are a part of in the Fargo-Moorhead area, and want to continue serving as best we are able. We had hoped we could get back to “normal” post-covid, and it seems like that is still far away, so we need to consider what does “new normal” look like.

For us, we are moving to a staggered hourly structure beginning October 1st. We won’t have a weekday & weekend rate anymore, and we aren’t changing our daypass, monthly, or party package rates. Instead, the first hour will be $7, the second hour will be $5, and then daypasses will remain at $15.

Many blessing upon you all, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!


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