Hi all, Cassidy here.
A few of you have been seeing that Tish and I are starting to write some more. We want to share with you our experiences with running a startup / small business, games we recommend, and more. I do a lot of the social media / blog writing for the store, but mainly in the form of the anniversary posts. I really enjoy preparing and researching those, and it’s crazy just how far some of those rabbit holes go.
In addition to Anniversary Posts, we are adding Game Spotlights – like the Resident Evil 3 we shared last week. Replay in Reality is a very personal blog that Tish and I will alternate posts on that will talk about how we’ve gotten to where we are today, and the challenges we’ve come across with running the store. We also want to share and talk about “Games We Recommend.”
The last one that I’ve been working on is called “Another Castle.” I started using this name at the end of my last video game related venture, but it fizzled out pretty quickly. That said, I’ve wanted to resurrect it, though I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested in my thoughts. One of the things I love about Replay Games is chatting with all of you, and deep diving on different topics. So, Another Castle will essentially be that: a place for me to deep dive, research, and/or rant about video game related stuff.
So, stay tuned, and I’ll see you in Another Castle.