Released in April 1985.

Interesting facts about Commando
-According to How Long to Beat’s website the average play through takes about an hour to complete.
-Currently, about 12 games are sold per week among its different ports.
-Despite releasing the same year as the movie with the same name, they are completely different stories and concepts.
-According to Capcom, the game went platinum, selling 1 million units worldwide.

Back of the Box Description
-“COMMANDO – ‘Super Joe’ and use your skill on a highly secret mission… challenging the Evil Empire Army in fierce guerilla warfare.
Super Joe and your skill — armed only with Super Joe’s rifle and unlimited ammunition, plus a hand grenade that requires replenishing. Your assignment… find and destroy… stopping attempts to dominate the world’s population and resources.
You must skillfully control Super Joe’s venture into a deep, unexplored jungle region. Surprisingly, you and Super Joe find the enemy behind iron walls, on bridges to cross, and in trucks and jeeps that try to ram Super Joe.
Can Super Joe and you carry out this reckless, almost impossible mission?” (Text copied verbatim from actual box with all its glory.)
NewGame+ Content:
Gameplay by World of Longplays
OST by GBelair
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