Released on February 11th 1998.
Interesting facts about Xenogears
-According to How Long to Beat’s website the average play through takes about 60 hours to complete.
-According to, Xenogears currently holds an overall rank #371, and #18 for the PS1.
-Currently, about 1 game is sold per week.
-According to VGChartz, Xenogears sold around 1.46 million worldwide.
-While it doesn’t take place in the same universe, the prefix “Xeno” means “something strange or foreign to a group,” in which each game shares this basic theme.
-Regarded as one of the greatest role-playing games of all time.
-Originally set to be created as Final Fantasy VII, then changed to a Chrono Trigger sequel, and then ultimately set as an original title.
Xenogears on Wikipedia.
NewGame+ Content:
Metal Jesus Rocks review of Xenogears
Xenogears OST by RockstarOST
Gameplay by Don’t TALK Just PLAY