Released in July 1997.
Interesting facts about Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
-According to How Long to Beat’s website the average play through takes about 90 minutes to complete.
-According to, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter currently holds the overall rank #7909, and for the PlayStation sits at #291.
-Currently, about 1 game is sold per week.
-It is the 2nd entry into the Marvel vs. Capcom series with X-Men vs. Street Fighter being the first.
-The Sega Saturn version was able to utilize a 4MB RAM expansion which allowed it to be a nearly perfect arcade conversion, where as the PlayStation version had to remove the tag-team fight feature altogether. You would still select a second character for the variable assist moves, but only the first character would be the one who fights each round. However, Capcom attempted to compensate for this by adding extra game modes in the PlayStation version.
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter on Wikipedia.
Gameplay by Amy Rose