Released on May 4th 2004 for the PS2 and Xbox.
Interesting facts about Red Dead Revolver
-According to How Long to Beat’s website the average play through takes about 8 hours to complete.
– holds Red Dead Revolver currently with an overall rank of #8257 for the Xbox and #8085 for the PS2. As well as it holding #369 for the Xbox and #591 for the PS2 specifically.
-Sales data provided by VGChartz, Red Dead Revolver has sold more than 1.3 million units worldwide.
-Currently, more than 3 games are sold per day.
-Originally being developed by Angel Studios and published by Capcom as a successor to the 1985 title Gun.Smoke, but was ultimately canceled in August 2003. Rockstar acquired Angel Studios in November 2002, and the rights to Red Dead Revolver in December 2003.
-Red Dead Revolver is included in the book, 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by Tony Mott.
Red Dead Revolver on Wikipedia.
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